Soaps made from used cooking oil:
An ecological and economical alternative
Recycling consists of transforming used material objects into new products for consumption. This demand only came to be considered essential for the human species after recognizing the countless benefits of these concepts for planet Earth.
The environment, which has already been heavily attacked by social and industrial development, calls for actions that seek to preserve it. Among the materials that pose risks of environmental pollution and, therefore, deserve special attention are the oils used in immersion frying processes
In households, industrial and commercial establishments around the planet, frying oils are widely used for food preparation. However, this oil is a product with a fixed period of use, and its residue, generated daily in homes, industries, and establishments, ends up being dumped directly into the water, such as rivers, streams, or sinks and toilets, discarded incorrectly, going to water sources, or thrown in landfills, becoming a constituent of garbage, contaminating the soil and the atmosphere.
The dumping of frying oil causes significant environmental impacts: clogging of the sewage network and the malfunctioning of the water treatment stations.
Although researchers have already shown that a liter of cooking oil that goes into water contaminates about a million liters of water, environmentalists only now agree that there is no ideal product disposal model, but rather alternatives for its reuse through recycling is the solution to avoid environmental problems.
Production of resin for paints, soap, detergent, fabric softener, soap, glycerin, animal feed, biodiesel, automotive and agricultural machinery lubricant, etc., are some of the leading alternatives for possibly reusing oils from frying processes. However, its use as a raw material in the handcrafted manufacture of soap can be considered the simplest among the other recycling processes. Check our range of products, from used cooking oil.
Here in Amsterdam, there are around 2500 frying oil drop points. You can find the point closest to your home
Or contact us, and we can arrange a pickup.
Boavistacircular has recycled 185L of used cooking oil; we intend to recycle much more, and together, we can create awareness and help reduce our negative impact on Earth.
Join us in this project.
Revista Eletrônica em Gestão, Educação e Tecnologia Ambiental Santa Maria, v. 19, n. 3,set-dez 2015, p. 881-890
Revista do Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas – UFSM
ISSN : 22361170